Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Flare?

Flare is an EVM smart contract platform specifically designed for the intensive data demands of the next generation of blockchain applications, including Machine Learning/AI, RWA tokenization, gaming and social.

What is Flare’s vision?

Flare’s goal is to grow the industry’s total addressable market, increasing what’s possible with blockchain by giving developers access to the broadest range of data, provided in a decentralized manner, at scale, low latency and minimal cost.

What makes Flare unique?

With decentralized oracles enshrined in the structure of the network, Flare is the only smart contract platform optimized for decentralized data acquisition and designed to support more sophisticated use cases, such as machine learning and real world assets.

What programming languages does Flare support?

Flare is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based, meaning any applications written in Solidity to run on any other EVM chain can also be used on Flare.

What is the FTSO?

The Flare Time Series Oracle is Flare’s enshrined oracle; it provides fast, decentralized and highly accurate time series data, such as cryptocurrency prices, to applications on Flare. Because the process is decentralized, no single party is in control, making it exceptionally resilient against manipulation and malicious parties.

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What is the Flare Data Connector?

The Flare Data Connector is able to come to consensus on information from external blockchains and the internet, so that it can be used securely and trustlessly by smart contracts on Flare.

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What are FAssets?

The FAssets system, in development by Flare Labs, allows non-smart contract tokens such as BTC, DOGE & XRP to be used trustlessly with smart contracts on Flare. By minting these non-smart contract tokens into FAssets it will be possible to put them to work earning yield or rewards in decentralized applications on the Flare network.

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What is happening with LayerCake?

The integration of Flare by LayerZero V2 and Stargate Hydra addressees the network’s requirements for a secure and decentralized bridging solution for smart contract assets. A decision has been made by the Flare Labs team to stop working on LayerCake, and instead focus all attention on delivering the FAssets bridge for non-smart contract assets.

What dapps are there on Flare?

You can find a list of all the dapps currently available on the Flare blockchain in the third party Flare Builders directory.

What are FlareDrops?

FlareDrops are a series of 36 monthly airdrops totalling 24.2 billion FLR that can be claimed by active Flare community members who have wrapped their Flare tokens or staked FLR to Flare infrastructure providers. The first FlareDrop was on 17 March 2023 and the final FlareDrop will be on 30 January 2026.

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What do I need to do to be eligible for FlareDrops?

You simply need to hold wrapped Flare in your wallet or stake FLR to Flare validators. Each month the FlareDrop amount is shared between all stakers and all holders of WFLR. Remember to claim your rewards each month (see “How do I claim my FlareDrops and my delegation rewards?” below).

How do I delegate my Flare tokens and earn rewards?

Delegation is the temporary assignment of your FLR or SGB tokens to Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO) data providers. Each time a data provider submits useful information, they share their reward with you as the token holder who delegated to them, after a fee. To delegate, you first wrap your native tokens (FLR or SGB) into WFLR or WSGB, before going to the Flare Portal to connect your wallet and follow the instructions. If you have chosen to use Bifrost Wallet or Solidifi Wallet, you can wrap your tokens and delegate to the FTSO natively in the app.

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Where can I find a list of FTSO data providers I can delegate to?

You will need to select one or two data providers and the percentage of your total tokens that you want to delegate to them. At, you can find a list of data providers and their vote power to help you make your selection.

How do I wrap my FLR tokens?

If you are holding your FLR on a centralized exchange, it is likely that you will need to move your tokens into a different wallet before you can wrap them. This could be a software wallet like Metamask, Bifrost Wallet or Solidifi Wallet or a hardware wallet like Ledger, D’Cent or Safepal. Guides are available in the Flare Technical Documentation.

If you are a new member of the Flare community, Bifrost Wallet probably has the easiest user experience. They have provided a simple guide for adding FLR to their wallet. 

Once you have your FLR in your wallet, you can connect to the Flare Portal to wrap your tokens into WFLR. When you do this, don’t forget to also delegate to the Flare Time Series Oracle so that you receive FTSO delegation rewards every 3.5 days. 

If you have chosen to use Bifrost Wallet, you can wrap your tokens and delegate to the FTSO natively in the app.

How do I claim my FlareDrops and my delegation rewards?

FlareDrops can be claimed using the Flare Portal by connecting a wallet that held WFLR during the Holdings calculation period. The Flare Portal offers 3 ways to connect to your wallet: via MetaMask, Wallet Connect or Coinbase Connect. Alternatively, Bifrost Wallet and Solidifi Wallet offer native functionality for claiming FlareDrops.

There is also the option to set up autoclaiming which will ensure FlareDrop tokens are automatically and immediately claimed in return for a fee. This will maximize compounding, save time, and avoid unnecessary exposure of a cold wallet.

Learn more about claiming your FlareDrops and managing your rewards >

How do I set up autoclaiming for my FlareDrops and my delegation rewards?

Automatic claiming, also known as “autoclaiming”, enables the appointment of an executor to claim FTSO Delegation Rewards and the FlareDrops as soon as they become available. The executor charges a small fee for providing the service. 

There are currently two main executors available on Flare. They have been developed by Bifrost Wallet and Flare Oracle. Both charge a 0.4 FLR fee every time they make a claim on behalf of a wallet. The autoclaiming functionality can be managed natively in their respective dapps or by using the Flare Portal. We also expect more executors to be available in the near future.

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How often are delegation rewards released?

On Flare, FTSO delegation rewards are automatically provided at the end of each 3.5 day reward epoch – on Mondays and Thursdays.

How do I stake my FLR?

You need to transfer your FLR from the C-Chain, where smart contracts run, to the P-Chain, where staking happens. Once your funds are on the P-Chain, you can then delegate stake to validators of your choice and start earning a share of the validation rewards. This process can be managed in four main ways:

  1. Using a Ledger device on the FlareStake portal
  2. Natively in Bifrost Wallet and Solidifi Wallet
  3. Using Metamask on the Flare Portal or FTSO AU website
  4. Using a Wallet Connect enabled wallet on the Flare Portal

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Which wallets can I use to stake FLR?
  1. Using a Ledger device on the FlareStake portal
  2. Natively in Bifrost Wallet and Solidifi Wallet
  3. Using Metamask on the Flare Portal or FTSO AU website
  4. Using a Wallet Connect enabled wallet on the Flare Portal
How often are staking rewards released?

Distributions are roughly every two weeks, and are currently manually triggered, although this will be automated in the future.

Can I stake and delegate at the same time?

Although staked FLR are also eligible for FlareDrops, they are currently not eligible to receive FTSO delegation rewards.

Are staking rewards eligible for FlareDrops?

You can still receive FlareDrops and vote on governance while staking on the P-Chain. A smart contract on the C-Chain mirrors your staked tokens.

Further questions?

Read our technical documentation or join our Discord server and Telegram group.