Monthly FlareDrops can be claimed by
everyone who stakes FLR or holds WFLR

What are the FlareDrops?

There are 36 monthly FlareDrops totalling 24.2 billion FLR, which can be claimed by active Flare community members who have wrapped their FLR into WFLR or staked to a Flare validator.

Every 30 days, approximately 670 million FLR are divided between active network participants based on their combined WFLR holdings and FLR stake.

36 FlareDrops

24,246,183,166 FLR

Claimable every 30 days at 12:00 UTC

Unclaimed tokens burned after 67 days

What are the eligibility criteria?

  1. FlareDrop allocations each month are based on the combined total of WFLR held and FLR staked on the P-Chain.
  2. Three random blocks are chosen during the 23 days prior to claim day to calculate the average holdings of all wallets. This period is called the “holdings calculation period”. More detail on this process is in the Technical Documentation.
  3. The number of FlareDrop tokens that a wallet can claim in any month is based on its relative share of all WFLR and staked FLR in circulation.
  4. No Flare related entity, employee or founder may use their token allocation to claim a portion of the FlareDrops.

How do I claim?

  • FlareDrops can be claimed using the Flare Portal by connecting a wallet that held WFLR or staked FLR during the Holdings calculation period.
  • Bifrost Wallet offers native functionality for claiming FlareDrops, similar to the existing functionality for claiming FTSO Delegation Rewards.
  • There is also the option to set up autoclaiming which will ensure FlareDrop tokens are automatically and immediately claimed in return for a fee. This will maximize compounding, save time, and avoid unnecessary exposure of a cold wallet.
  • Full detail on claiming the monthly FlareDrops is also available in the Flare technical documentation.

When are the FlareDrops available to claim?

  • FlareDrops can be claimed every 30 days.
  • Claims open at 12:00 UTC.
  • The first FlareDrop was on 17 March 2023 and the final one will be on 30 January 2026.


Learn more about FlareDrops in the Technical Documentation.