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FlareDrop Guide

Flare Updates
A series of 36 monthly FlareDrops totalling 24.2 billion FLR can be claimed by active Flare community members who have wrapped their Flare tokens.

Eligibility criteria

  • A wallet must have held Wrapped FLR (WFLR) for the 23 days before each claim day to be eligible to claim a portion of that month’s FlareDrop. These 23 days constitute the “Holdings calculation period”.
  • Three random blocks are chosen during those 23 days to calculate the average holdings of all wallets. More detail on this process is in the Technical Documentation.
  • The number of FlareDrop tokens that a wallet can claim in any month based on its relative share of all WFLR in circulation.
  • No Flare related entity, employee or founder may use their token allocation to claim a portion of the FlareDrops.
  • UPDATE (6 Nov 2023): Any FLR stake which has been delegated to validators on the P-Chain is also eligible for FlareDrops. FlareDrop allocations each month are now based on the combined total of WFLR held and FLR staked on the P-Chain during the three random blocks.
flaredrop guide holdings calculation

he numbers

  • A total of 24,246,183,166 FLR will be split into the 36 FlareDrops.
  • Tokens will be claimable at 12:00 UTC every 30 days starting on 17th March 2023.
  • 67 days after each distribution, any unclaimed tokens will be burned. This is 90 days from the start of the holdings calculation period.
  • There will be 35 distributions of 676,040,637 FLR and one final distribution of 584,760,871 FLR in month 36.
FlareDrop Distribution Dates

How to wrap your FLR tokens

How to claim

  • FlareDrops can be claimed using the Flare Portal by connecting a wallet that held WFLR during the Holdings calculation period.
  • Bifrost Wallet offers native functionality for claiming FlareDrops, similar to the existing functionality for claiming FTSO Delegation Rewards.
  • There is also the option to set up autoclaiming which will ensure FlareDrop tokens are automatically and immediately claimed in return for a fee. This will maximize compounding, save time, and avoid unnecessary exposure of a cold wallet.
  • Advanced users can also claim by interacting directly with the smart contracts.