How do we ensure data integrity: FIP.10 & SIP.04 implementation plan
At Flare, we uphold data integrity by implementing an effective incentive structure that promotes active and reliable participation from data providers across all Flare protocols.
As part of this initiative, proposals FIP.10 and SIP.04 introduce minimal conditions for participation, which will take effect for data providers starting February 4, 2025 (two weeks from the date of this post).
Tools to help you make informed delegation and staking choices
To assist delegators and stakers in making well-informed decisions, we’ve introduced tracking dashboards for both Flare and Songbird:

- Flare: https://flare-systems-explorer.flare.network/providers?tab=minimalConditions
- Songbird: https://songbird-systems-explorer.flare.network/providers?tab=minimalConditions
These dashboards display data providers that meet the following requirements (indicated with ‘Yes’):
FTSO anchor feeds: Providers must submit value estimates within a 0.5% band of the consensus median in at least 80% of voting rounds during a reward epoch.
FTSO block-latency feeds: Providers must submit at least 80% of expected updates per reward epoch, unless they have a very low weight (below 0.2% of the total active weight).
Staking: Providers need 80% uptime with a minimum of 1M FLR in active self-bond. To earn passes, they must hold at least 3M FLR in active self-bond and 15M in active stake. Providers with sufficient uptime but less stake do not gain or lose passes but still earn rewards.
For Songbird, the same requirements apply for FTSO anchor feeds and block-latency feeds as in Flare, while staking requirements are not applicable.
Additionally, the dashboard shows Passes: For each reward epoch where a data provider meets the minimal participation criteria across all protocols, they earn one pass. A provider with 3 passes demonstrates consistent compliance over the last three reward epochs.
Best Practices for delegating and staking
Data providers failing to meet minimal conditions on certain Flare protocols will not receive rewards in any protocol, and their rewards will be burned. This impacts the earnings of data providers, delegators, and stakers alike.
To maximize your rewards while supporting reliable data providers, follow these simple guidelines:
- Ensure the “Number of Passes” is at least 1.
- Confirm that the provider is marked as “Eligible for Rewards” (green) on the dashboards.
Additional Resources
For more details about the minimal conditions and incentive structure, read the published blog: https://flare.network/new-incentives-structure-for-protocol-participation/
For data providers, visit our forum for detailed historical data on providers’ performance over past reward epochs, specifying which conditions you meet and which you do not, and to join the discussion: https://forum.flare.network/t/anno